Oh, Deer! Driving During Deer Season

Jul 1, 2023
Auto Maintenance


Welcome to Big Red Tow, your trusted expert in Business and Consumer Services - Moving & Relocation. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with essential tips and information for safe driving during deer season. As an experienced SEO and high-end copywriter, we understand the importance of quality content that outranks other websites. So, let's dive in to make your journeys safer during this time!

Understanding Deer Season

Deer season, typically occurring in the fall, is a period when deer are more active due to various factors such as mating, migration, and changes in their natural habitats. This increased activity can significantly impact road safety, posing risks to both vehicles and drivers.

Statistics and Dangers

According to recent studies, deer-related accidents have been on the rise in recent years. In fact, it is estimated that there are over 1.5 million deer-related collisions in the United States annually. These accidents often result in severe damages to vehicles, injuries, or even fatalities. Therefore, it is crucial to take appropriate measures to minimize the risks associated with driving during deer season.

Tips for Safe Driving During Deer Season

1. Stay Alert and Observant

When driving during deer season, it is vital to stay vigilant at all times. Keep your eyes on the road and scan your surroundings for any signs of deer activity. Look for areas with deer crossing signs, and if you spot one, reduce your speed and proceed with caution.

2. Time Your Travels

Deer are most active during dawn and dusk, so try to plan your travels accordingly. If possible, avoid driving during these periods when visibility is lower, and the chances of encountering deer on the roads are higher.

3. Use High Beams (if Safe)

If you are driving in rural or wooded areas where there are no oncoming vehicles, use your high beams to increase your visibility. The additional light can help you spot deer from a greater distance and provide you with more time to react appropriately.

4. Slow Down and Maintain Control

Reducing your speed during deer season gives you more time to react to sudden deer crossings and decreases the chances of a collision. Additionally, maintain a firm grip on the steering wheel and avoid swerving if you encounter a deer. Brake firmly and stay in your lane to prevent losing control of your vehicle.

5. Honk your Horn

If you spot a deer on the side of the road or standing on the shoulder, gently honk your horn to scare them away. This can help prevent them from suddenly leaping into your path, reducing the risk of an accident.

6. Do Not Rely on Devices

While technologies like deer whistles or deer avoidance systems claim to deter deer, their effectiveness is inconclusive. It is best to rely on your own cautious driving habits and follow the tips mentioned above rather than solely relying on these devices for safety.

In Case of an Accident

Even with all precautions, accidents can still happen. If you find yourself in a deer-related collision, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure your safety and the safety of others involved.
  2. Contact the authorities and report the incident.
  3. Do not approach an injured deer as it may be dangerous, especially if it feels threatened.
  4. Contact Big Red Tow for fast and reliable assistance. We specialize in vehicle towing and recovery, and our experts will be there to help you in no time.
  5. Notify your insurance company about the accident as soon as possible.


Driving during deer season requires caution, attentiveness, and preparedness. By following the tips provided by Big Red Tow, you can minimize the risks associated with deer-related accidents. Stay informed, stay alert, and keep yourself safe. Remember, Big Red Tow is here for you whenever you need reliable towing and recovery services. Happy and safe driving!